Friday, February 28, 2025

Join the Impact

Activism Rooted in the Internet


Bar in Texas Raided On 40 yr Anniversary of Stonewall

This blog was written by Eric Ross, a Join the Impact organizer in the East Bay of California. He is also the founder of Students for Equality, an organization dedicated to getting high school and college students more involved in LGBTQ Activism. He can be found on facebook and twitter as @LGBT_Activist In the early […]

actions, featured, site news, tools for change

Obama defends DOMA, we defend our families

The following Op-Ed was written by Joe Mirabella. Joe Mirabella is a volunteer for Join the Impact as the Washington State Community Organizer.  Mirabella is a full time writer and content developer for an online retailer. He is engaged to marry his partner of 5 1/2 years in their home state of Iowa. The Obama […]

actions, featured, tools for change

Fairness Works – The American Dream In

Fairness does work.  Unfortunately millions are not protected from unfair job termination because of sexual orientation or gender identity.  Join the Impact hopes to change the landscape by helping pass three important pieces of legislation, the Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA) the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT), and the Employee Free Choice Act […]


A Federal Office of LGBT Health can no longer wait

On the eve of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, we cannot help but be moved by the impact of discrimination on our communities,  11 gender non-conforming individuals killed in US alone this past year. It is imperative to speak up to eliminate discrimination; discussing the devastating effects of discrimination and violence on both the individual and […]


A Federal Office of LGBT Health can no longer wait

On the eve of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, we cannot help but be moved by the impact of discrimination on our communities,  11 gender non-conforming individuals killed in US alone this past year. It is imperative to speak up to eliminate discrimination; discussing the devastating effects of discrimination and violence on both the individual and […]

Vermont and DC: Moving Equality Forward

Amy and I asked Boston based Lisa Marshall of JTI Massachusetts to contribute today’s post: “I’m so excited right now I can hardly sit still.  Vermont, in an unprecedented move, has overturned the governor’s veto and voted in favor of marriage equality by one vote.  One vote!  Thank you Vermont, thank you VT Freedom to […]

I Heart Iowa!

I’m sure you all know the amazing news: The Iowa Supreme Court ruled in favor of Same-Sex Civil Marriage today!  As someone who is originally from Ohio, I never expected a Midwest state to jump on the marriage equality bandwagon before the coastal states, but Iowa has just proven me wrong!  Thanks to the amazingly […]

One Court Can Effect the Nation

Yesterday, Evan Wolfson of Freedom to Marry posted an amazing article clearly defining the implications of Proposition 8, if the California Supreme Court chooses to uphold it.  Evan drives the point home that we have all said time and time again: If Proposition 8 is upheld, it sets a precedence in this country that a […]

You Have a Voice – Use It

Yesterday, on 99 Problems, Sarah Silverman expressed a problem: The fact that we don’t have gay marriage in this country is embarrassing.  Willow Witte, co-founder of Join the Impact, provides a  solution to the problem: Stand Up. Be Visible. Work Together Against ALL Oppression…We ALL Have a Voice, Let’s Use Them!

Day Of Decision is calling for a national response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Prop 8.  We cannot predict when this ruling will come down, we can only prepare our cities for a place and time to meet on D-Day (Day of Decision).  JTI has joined as just one of many co-sponsors to Robin Tyler’s  […]

The Eve of Justice

What an amazing video from Sean Chapin, whom I regretfully did not get a chance to meet when I was in SF on Thursday.  Sean has captured this movement on film in many wonderful ways and has been nominated for an award because of his use of video to push this movement forward!  This video […]

Beyond California

Prop 8 is a huge fight that we have going on when it comes to equal rights for members of the LGBTQ community.  When JTI began, we called for everyone around the nation (and the world) to unite as one voice for equal rights.  We explained that Proposition 8 is much more than California’s problem.  […]

A JTI Weakness

This afternoon, I was running errands looking for the proper attire for a black tie event.  I’m going to an LGBTQ gala tonight and it’s formal, but the only dress I have is my wedding dress and my fashion sense is slim to none.  Anywho, I digress.  As I was trying to find a black […]

March 5th Watch Online

Just a quick update to everyone who can’t make it to SF on Thursday.  You can watch the opening arguments online at Everything starts at 9am PST (that’s 6am EST so hopefully you’re an early bird). It’s not too late to setup a viewing party.  Many local theaters around the country have announced that […]

The voice of this movement

Over the last week I’ve been continually inspired by the work of some college students in California who dream big. I can’t wait to meet them all in San Francisco on Thursday because it is EXACTLY this kind of energy that the movement for equality needs to support if we’re going to win. One of […]