Friday, December 13, 2024

Join the Impact

Activism Rooted in the Internet


Bar in Texas Raided On 40 yr Anniversary of Stonewall

This blog was written by Eric Ross, a Join the Impact organizer in the East Bay of California. He is also the founder of Students for Equality, an organization dedicated to getting high school and college students more involved in LGBTQ Activism. He can be found on facebook and twitter as @LGBT_Activist In the early […]

actions, featured, site news, tools for change

Obama defends DOMA, we defend our families

The following Op-Ed was written by Joe Mirabella. Joe Mirabella is a volunteer for Join the Impact as the Washington State Community Organizer.  Mirabella is a full time writer and content developer for an online retailer. He is engaged to marry his partner of 5 1/2 years in their home state of Iowa. The Obama […]

actions, featured, tools for change

Fairness Works – The American Dream In

Fairness does work.  Unfortunately millions are not protected from unfair job termination because of sexual orientation or gender identity.  Join the Impact hopes to change the landscape by helping pass three important pieces of legislation, the Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA) the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT), and the Employee Free Choice Act […]


A Federal Office of LGBT Health can no longer wait

On the eve of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, we cannot help but be moved by the impact of discrimination on our communities,  11 gender non-conforming individuals killed in US alone this past year. It is imperative to speak up to eliminate discrimination; discussing the devastating effects of discrimination and violence on both the individual and […]


A Federal Office of LGBT Health can no longer wait

On the eve of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, we cannot help but be moved by the impact of discrimination on our communities,  11 gender non-conforming individuals killed in US alone this past year. It is imperative to speak up to eliminate discrimination; discussing the devastating effects of discrimination and violence on both the individual and […]

Tools of the Week

In an effort to continue the conversation of equality, the JoinTheImpact team would like to provide you with a weekly set of “tools.” Each week, we will pick from the MANY websites, announcements, blog posts, videos, etc. that have sprung up, and let you know about them. Last week, we did this by providing a […]

Why Day Without a Gay

We’re getting a great deal of discussion on The Impact about the Day Without a Gay. A lot of people have questions about what to do on December 10th, why we chose the 10th, or why we chose this event in general. As such, I thought I’d take a minute to explain the purpose behind […]

Why Day Without a Gay

We’re getting a great deal of discussion on The Impact about the Day Without a Gay. A lot of people have questions about what to do on December 10th, why we chose the 10th, or why we chose this event in general. As such, I thought I’d take a minute to explain the purpose behind […]

Prop 8 The Musical

In a country founded on the separation of church and state, the fact that we are denied equal protections under the law based on a religious belief, is nothing short of hypocrisy. And with anything hypocritical, someone always sees a way to shed a little humor on the situation that keeps the conversation going at […]

2nd Class Citizen?

There has been a great deal of talk on The Impact about Light Up the Night and whether or not we should have 2nd Class Citizen T-shirts. Many feel that they are a 1st Class Citizen with 2nd Class Rights, and I think we should be allowed to express who we are in a way […]

2nd Class Citizen?

There has been a great deal of talk on The Impact about Light Up the Night and whether or not we should have 2nd Class Citizen T-shirts. Many feel that they are a 1st Class Citizen with 2nd Class Rights, and I think we should be allowed to express who we are in a way […]

Make it happen!

You’ve seen what can happen when someone gets a great idea and runs with it. This website is a testiment to that. We get so many emails about exciting things that people are putting into action.

Our Fight on Film

This weekend, I saw MILK. If there is nothing else you do next weekend, please please please go see MILK. We all deserve to know our history. Too many people do not even know what the Stonewall Riots were, or WHY they occurred. Few know about those who fought for the rights that we now […]

Giving Thanks

Let us take a moment and give thanks – to those that came before us, those that are here now, and those that will come after us in this amazing fight for HUMAN RIGHTS.

Giving Thanks

Let us take a moment and give thanks – to those that came before us, those that are here now, and those that will come after us in this amazing fight for HUMAN RIGHTS.