Saturday, January 4, 2025

Join the Impact

Activism Rooted in the Internet

Project Postcard Update

Posted by amy On November - 25 - 2008

Have you sent in your postcards yet?

Do you know what November 15th made history? It made history because our community came out by the hundreds of thousands in ways this country has never seen. We brought LGBTQ visibility to a new level! Project Postcard is all about continuing this visibility. No matter where you live, whether you are in the closet, out of the closet, one foot out, or chasing rainbows, Project Postcard gives you the opportunity to be a part of this amazing movement! Help us show President Elect Barack Obama just how many of us there actually are and remind him that we listened when he promised to repeal DOMA. We listened when he said it was time for a change. And we listened like you wouldn’t believe when he said YES WE CAN!

Have you already sent your postcard? Show us your photos and tell us about it. We need to share our visibility with the nation.

I leave you with some amazing words from a new friend of mine. He has experience that we need to pay our gratitude to. He was around my age when Stonewall happened and became a huge activist when being out and visible in public were still ILLEGAL ACTIONS. How far we have come in 40 years, yet how far we still must go. It is because of people like him that we have all of the rights we have today. And it is for people like him that we must shout out for all to hear us! He and generations before mine have done so much for our community. It is now time we take the final steps for them!

When Martin Luther King Jr. led people across the Edmund Pettis bridge they were clubbed and gassed. When they retreated to the church hall they were sure they had been defeated. What they did not recognize is that TV had recorded the beatings. They had made the words concrete. They had made the beatings concrete / visible. They had made the beatings and gassings ‘visible’.
The next morning the phone rang, people showed up at the airport wanting to assist, the movement, their pain made visible to the world, grew. It ‘tipped’ towards victory. They had been fought and then they won. They had been fought ‘in public’ and then they won. Their pain was ‘visible’ and then they won. For decades before they had been visible to only a few, and to a select few.
Keep reminding people of what we need – visibility. The invisible are spread across the globe. These invisible ones are strung up by the score on trumped up charges of rape, in town squares all across Iran, the life mercilessly choked out of them. They are stoned in Afghanistan. They are beaten by Putin’s goons. Their heartbreaking stories are not sung in China.
Nothing will change until the pain and the joy are made visible to all.

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