Saturday, February 22, 2025

Join the Impact

Activism Rooted in the Internet

Tools for the Week

Posted by amy On December - 29 - 2008

So this is a little late, but with the holidays and all, I got a bit backed up.  So here is a special MONDAY installment of last weeks many tools for change that came out of the woodwork:

  1. The Yes on 8 Campaign filed a brief to revoke the 18,000 marriages created while same-sex civil marriage was legal in California.  In an instant, the Courage Campaign responded with a fantastic photo petition to shed light on the hypocrisy of this request to Protect Marriage by Forcing Divorce.  Please join in this amazing petition by putting a face on the families that Prop 8 is forcing into divorce.
  2. Last week, we announced the brutal gang rape of a Richmond, CA lesbian.  This brutal hate crime must be known to the entire nation.  We MUST show the nation that when anti-gay legislation passes, those who violently hate are given a stronger sense of entitlement to act on that hate.  Few people understand that their actions do affect others.  When anti-gay laws are in place, it dominoes our society into horrible acts of violence like this one.  Last Tuesday I spoke with the chief of the Richmond PD and learned about a trust fund that is being setup for the victim.  The money will go toward getting her and her partner into a safe and more secure neighborhood, paying hospital bills, and more.  We created a facebook page where you can donate.
  3. In response to this brutal rape, posted further information about the attackers so that local volunteers can help canvas the streets to bring these men to justice.
  4. Want to respond to Rick Warren at the inauguration?  Wear a rainbow armband or white knot if you are attending.  Click Here for more information.
  5. Finally, we have posted the Open Letter to Barack Obama and signature sheets on The Impact.  Please start gathering signatures for this… the goal is to have 1 Million Signatures by January 10th.  We want this to be organic – Internet signatures do not go as far (this is why the photo petition being done by the Courage Campaign has much more authority than an online petition without proof that the signer is legit). On January 10th, we ask that you join one of many National DOMA Protests or grab some friends and canvas the streets of your neighborhood for signatures.  Our Jan 10th Goal is to get 1 Million Signatures, whether it be through one of our 100 national protests or canvasing, that’s up to you.

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