Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Join the Impact

Activism Rooted in the Internet

Make it happen!

Posted by willow On December - 1 - 2008

You’ve seen what can happen when someone gets a great idea and runs with it. This website is a testiment to that. We get so many emails about exciting things that people are putting into action. You’ve probably heard about the brilliant idea that came out of Princeton, and there are many more actions being planned all over the country to increase visibility to the injustices against the LGBTQI community. Anything that can keep the conversation going in a positive way can make a difference.

For me one of the most exciting things emerging in the movement for equality is that young people are taking the lead. One protest coming up which is a great example of grassroots activism is a national student walkout planned for Dec. 3. Students For Equality is organizing a protest directed at increasing awareness on your campus. They’re almost making me want to go back to college just so I can walk out of class at 9am on Dec. 3 and leave a note behind that says “SCHOOL TAUGHT ME NOT TO DISCRIMINATE. SAY NO TO H8. SAY YES TO EQUALITY” Keep those creative ideas flowing! If you have a great idea the beauty of the internet is that you CAN make it happen.

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